There is no doubt the Clipper 11-12 Round The World Yacht Race will be a huge challenge for both myself and Christine.
Between applying to be part of the race and finishing the first block of training, my father Tom lost his battle with melanoma.  It’s a real pity he won’t be able to share this amazing adventure with me, but having seen what he went through, Chris and I are very keen use my participation in the race to raise money.
So our reasons for choosing to fund-raise for Melanoma Patients Australia (MPA) are very personal ones. MPA was established to support people diagnosed with melanoma and their carers and families. My Dad needed a lot of support and care towards the end of his life and now we have a niece dealing with the disease. We have firsthand experience of how important a support group like MPA is for people battling melanoma.
So while I concentrate on training and preparing for the race, Chris has been incredibly busy organising the fund-raising side to this challenge.
Chris is organising a fund-raising Dinner Dance at Castle Hill RSL on Sat. June 11, which should be a really terrific night! We have also set up a fund-raising page on the Everyday Hero website www.everydayhero.com.au/barry_moore . You simply go to the page to quickly and easily make a donation. The site allows you to donate by credit card on-line or to download a donation payment form so you can pay by BPAY, cash or cheque or even at the Post Office.
With the race covering 40,000 nautical miles, I thought it would be a tremendous thing if I could raise a dollar for each nautical mile. Hence the target for fund-raising is $40,000.
More information about Everyday Hero is provided on their site www.everydayhero.com.au. Likewise information on the wonderful work done by Melanoma Patients Australia (MPA) is available on their website www.melanomapatients.org .
I urge you to go to www.everydayhero.com.au/barry_moore and make a donation.  Every little bit helps!!
Note: MPA has full Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and is classified as an Income Tax Exempt Charity (ITEC). MPA is authorised to fundraise in NSW: CFN/21701.